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[PIC24EP512GU814] RAM變數宣告問題

各位前輩好, 小弟有一個MCU RAM變數使用的問題, 資訊如下,

Data Model有設定 Large

目前Data Memory使用率是53%
(還有其他宣告, 只是先用這個補到53%)

我之後再增加一個array宣告就build fail了, 如下

Fail Log:
build/default/production/main.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 29706 bytes, attributes = bss
build/default/production/main.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 500 bytes, attributes = data
xlitob.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 34 bytes, attributes = data
xprintf_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 26 bytes, attributes = data
umodsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
umodsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
udivsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
udivsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
divsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
divsi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
xvacopy.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
xvacopy.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
xputtxt.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
xputtxt.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
xlitob.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
strchr.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
strchr.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
xputfld_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
xputfld_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
xprintf_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
sprintf_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
sprintf_cdnopuxX.EPeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
memcpy.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
memcpy.EP_eo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
umuldi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
umuldi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
muldi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
muldi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
divmoddi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
divmoddi3.epeo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
delay32ep.Leo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
delay32ep.Leo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
crt_start_mode_normalep.Leo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
crt_start_mode_normalep.Leo: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
data_init_extended.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
data_init_extended.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
crt0_extendedep.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .bss, size = 0 bytes, attributes = bss
crt0_extendedep.o: Link Error: Could not allocate section .data, size = 0 bytes, attributes = data
Link Error: Could not allocate data memory
make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/MCB-A2.0.0.X.production.hex] Error 255
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2

我有參考XC16 guide嘗試宣告如下

但是增加的區域卻是Program memory

想請問各位前輩, 變數要如何宣告才能夠使用到完整的Data Memory呢?
誠如以上, 感激不盡

發表於: 2020/11/19 11:10
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Re: [PIC24EP512GU814] RAM變數宣告問題

抱歉我有看到 10.7 EXTENDED DATA SPACE ACCESS這章節的宣告方法, 我再試一下看看, 謝謝

發表於: 2020/11/19 11:30
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Re: [PIC24EP512GU814] RAM變數宣告問題

16 Bits, PIC24E, dsPIC33E, 的SRAM規劃, 大致分成幾塊,
1. 0~2K的SFR,
2. 2K~32K的一般區,
3. 32K以上的特殊存取區,

1, 2 (0~32K)用法很簡單, 沒啥好說的
3. 比較複雜, 分為真的有配置SARM跟沒有SRAM的兩種
沒有配置SRAM的, 該位址是透過PSV映射到program memony的某個32K的bit0-16 (Bytes)
沒有配置SRAM的, 該位址是透過EDS來存取, 當然也可透過PSV映射到program memony.

附上多年前在dsPIC33EP上面用C30寫的EDS範例, 希望有幫助

void EDSStrCopychar to __eds__ char *from )
to++ = *from++;
    while (*
from != 0x00);
to 0x00;

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發表於: 2020/11/19 16:15
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